Freshman Year: 2022-2023

Massey.K Ap Human Geography

My AP Human Geography class provided me with a profound understanding of global interconnectedness, diverse cultures, and the complex dynamics shaping our world. It empowered me to critically analyze and appreciate the socio-economic, political, and environmental forces shaping human societies.

Johnston.M Literary Composition

Through my Literary Composition class, I practiced my writing skills, exploring the art of storytelling and examining the intricacies of compelling narratives. It deepened my appreciation for the power of words to inspire, provoke thought, and evoke emotions.

Daab.C Foundation of Engineering Technology

My Engineering Technology class equipped me with practical skills in designing, building, and troubleshooting complex systems, improving my problem-solving abilities and attention to detail. It instilled a strong foundation in technical knowledge and the ability to apply it to real-world projects, preparing me for a career in the field of engineering.

Lin.B Chemistry

In my Chemistry class, I learned of the fundamental principles governing matter, reactions, and the composition of the world around us. It enhanced my analytical thinking and experimental skills, enabling me to comprehend and appreciate the intricate workings of the chemical world.

Patel.M Introduction to Digital Technology

My Introduction to Digital Technology class provided me with an understanding of computer systems, coding languages, and digital tools, empowering me to navigate and contribute to the rapidly evolving technological landscape. It equipped me with practical skills and a mindset of innovation, enabling me to approach problems creatively and leverage technology to solve challenges.

Mooney.R German I

Through my German class, I acquired a foundation in the German language, expanding my cultural horizons and fostering intercultural communication skills. It sparked my interest in German literature, history, and traditions, opening doors to further explore the German-speaking world.

Peace.T Accelerated Geometry

In my Accelerated Geometry class, I developed a strong geometric reasoning ability and problem-solving skills, enabling me to analyze complex spatial relationships. It equipped me with a solid mathematical foundation, preparing me for advanced mathematical concepts and applications in various fields.

Sophomore Year: 2023-2024

Blankenship.K AP World History: Modern

AP World History expanded my understanding of global historical events, trends, and movements from 1200 CE to the present. It taught me to analyze and interpret historical sources, recognize patterns, and understand the complexities of cultural, economic, and political interactions across different regions. This course honed my critical thinking skills and gave me a deeper appreciation for the diverse narratives that have shaped our world.

Davis.L AP Seminar

AP Seminar challenged me to develop my research, writing, and presentation skills through an interdisciplinary lens. It emphasized the importance of critical inquiry, argumentation, and collaboration. I learned to approach complex issues from multiple perspectives, construct well-supported arguments, and effectively communicate my ideas. This course prepared me to tackle academic and real-world problems with a rigorous and analytical mindset.

Bradley.K Engineering

My Engineering class provided a hands-on experience in designing, building, and testing various projects. I learned the principles of engineering design, problem-solving, and teamwork. This course encouraged innovation and creativity, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical applications. It equipped me with technical skills and a deeper understanding of how engineering impacts everyday life.

Sample.H AP Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science gave me a comprehensive understanding of ecological principles, environmental issues, and sustainable practices. It emphasized the interdependence between natural systems and human activities. Through this course, I developed a scientific approach to studying environmental problems and evaluating solutions, fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the planet.

Moony.R German II

In German II, I built upon my foundational knowledge of the German language, enhancing my speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. The course immersed me in German culture, history, and contemporary society, allowing me to communicate more effectively and appreciate the nuances of a different language. This class deepened my intercultural understanding and expanded my global perspective.

Bishop.A AP Precalculus

AP Precalculus provided me with a solid grounding in advanced mathematical concepts, including functions, complex numbers, and trigonometry. The course developed my analytical and problem-solving skills, preparing me for future studies in calculus and other higher-level math courses. It reinforced the importance of logical reasoning and precision in tackling mathematical challenges.

Hilton.D AP Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science Principles introduced me to the foundational concepts of computer science, including programming, algorithms, and data analysis. The course emphasized the impact of computing on society and the ethical considerations of technology use. It encouraged creative problem-solving and collaboration, equipping me with the skills to innovate and excel in a digital world.